Bo Sanchez sent out a “Sell Alert” email today via the Truly Rich Club StocksUpdate Newsletter, and the announcement was quite unique…
Bro. Bo instructed us to sell a certain stock which he recommended that we buy in the past. And yes, it would be at a loss. But then we were going to “SWITCH” and buy a different stock.
At this moment in time, Philippine stocks are at bargain prices, so it helps to get those other stocks which have a higher chance of growing.
Yes, I was hoping that the stock we’re now being asked to SELL would go higher, but developments in the market have changed the outlook for that stock.
It’s a good thing Bo Sanchez is looking out for his Truly Rich Club members, which means you don’t have to spend all your time monitoring the business papers.
Just a few minutes viewing the emails that Bro. Bo sends to your Inbox.
Thank you, Bro. Bo Sanchez, for sharing with us important Sell Alerts. Your timely advice, while sometimes painful, will help us grow better in the future.
Thank you for the reminder that profiting from the stock market is not a sure thing.
And more importantly, thank you for showing us the wisdom of taking corrective action (in the form of a Stock SWITCH), when conditions in the market change.
After all, when we receive warnings from authorities that floodwaters will hit our area in about 5 hours, why just stand around in ignorance, right?
While Knowledge is power, Knowledge Shared is even more powerful.
Thank you, Bo Sanchez, for sharing your stock market investing knowledge with us.
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