Bo Sanchez emailed us a Stocks Update SELL Alert last February 20, 2012.
Although we’re into long-term stock investing, it does make sense to sell your held stock when the time feels right.
Once again we thank you, Bro. Bo Sanchez, for clearly explaining to us what stock to sell, and when to sell it (based on a target selling price).
Congrats to everyone who bought that stock ___ last year, who can now earn something around 35 percent (assuming you do go ahead and sell that stock).
Thanks again, Bro. Bo, for clearly laying out the options:
Option 1 – Sell all, then __________________________.
Option 2 – Sell half, and then _____________________.
That was a short and easy to digest email, Bro. Bo, and we’re looking forward to the longer explanation in next week’s Stocks Update Newsletter.
Finally, stock investing is now within the reach of the average Filipino. 🙂
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