Here’s another English language tip…
Have you ever heard someone say: “I’m sharing this TO you” ?
The correct phrase is “sharing with”
Internet Marketing Philippines
Here’s another English language tip…
Have you ever heard someone say: “I’m sharing this TO you” ?
The correct phrase is “sharing with”
This is the first of a series of English lessons, to help future Pinoy Virtual Assistants improve their communication skills.
We recently heard someone say: “You have to be consistent on what you’re doing.”
The correct sentence is: “You have to be consistent with what you’re doing.”
Jomar Hilario is offering an Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar in Cebu (April 3, 2011) and in Manila (March 19 in Taguig City), to help you discover how people really make money online, and more…
A lot of people are getting excited about iBlog7: The 7th Philippine Blogging Summit, and one of the consistent crowd-drawers are the iBlog 7 Day Two topics for bloggers…
Have you heard about the Google “Farmer” algorithm change which saw “popular” websites lose their rankings in the Google search engine results? What does this mean for you, your business, and the future of your ability to attract visitors online? Check this out…
Is there a need for a Philippine Bloggers Association? We watched Janette Toral interview Tonyo Cruz, and perhaps there is another way of quickly seeing if organizing a larger body of Pinoy bloggers is worth your time…
Here are the topics that will be shared during iBlog7: The 7th Philippine Blogging Summit, which will be held at the Malcolm Theater, UP College of Law in Diliman, Quezon City, from April 1 to 2, 2011.
Where do Filipinos go on the web? Do they still visit Friendster? … [Read More]
We didn't have to wait too long anymore, as the developers of Viddyoze have tweaked the servers to render our requested videos much faster. Congratulations to … [Read More]
Do you pass through Park N Ride in Lawton, Manila? Or perhaps you live near the Central Terminal LRT Station (Arroceros LRT Station)? If you do, would you be … [Read More]
Chanced upon Janette Toral's Blogging From Home, a "work-in-progress journal of Janette Toral's upcoming book patterned after her Blogging 101 Online … [Read More]
Do you need to easily convert your amount in figures into amount in words in your Excel spreadsheet? There's no formula to do this, but you can use an Excel add … [Read More]