Mye Nuestro launches her blog about free home business tips for virtual assistants (VAs) or micro-entrepreneurs. Here’s a quick review…
Among the sections you will immediately see in Mye’s site are:
VA Freelancer Journey
VA Freelancer Tools
Motivational Tools
From here you will be able to catch a glimpse into the life of someone who is building a work-at-home business, her dreams and aspirations, and her goals for the future.
You may also request for her resume via email, although perhaps in a later revision of her blog or website we will see a page that highlights her professional work experience.
You will also notice on the righthand side a video showing Mye Nuestro speaking in English, Spanish, and Tagalog (or Filipino). This is a good way for bloggers or marketers to connect with readers, because it makes us more real.
A lot of times, people wonder if a website is for real. People ask if there is an authentic human being behind the site, and a personal video helps establish the credibility of the owner of a website.
Perhaps in a future site revision, we will see the video move higher up the page, so that visitors can easily see the video box without having to press the pagedown button.
Mye’s Home Business website provides links to social networks such as Facebook. In fact, she has a Facebook fan page which clearly shows in the FB Cover Photo who her inspiration in life is! 🙂
Perhaps in future changes to her website, she will feature her source of inspiration also. After all, not everyone goes to Facebook. We do tip our hat to Mye’s use of her blog to drive traffic to her FB fan page, and her fan page’s way of sending visitors to her blog’s homepage.
Now let’s talk about mindset…
All too often, bloggers worry that they don’t have enough technical skills. Well, don’t let that stop you from writing and sharing articles online.
Yes, you still need to learn things along the way, and the best part is you can do this while simultaneously adding pages to your website.
So here’s your takeaway:
1. Write regularly.
2. Let your blog and Facebook fan page help one another.
3. Make it easy for people to see your face and hear your voice online.
Check out Mye Nuestre’s Your Home Business Tips website over at http://urhomebusinesstips.com
How about you? Would you like to have your blog or website featured here? Please let us know. Thanks!