Do you have kids born between 1982 and 2002? If you do, then you are parenting Millennials (Generation Y, or iGeneration, or Net Generation).
How do you handle these children who are said to be into technology?
Check out Rebecca Newburn’s Squidoo page called Parenting Millennials, the Net Generation.
You will find parenting tips and ways you can support your child, without being a “helicopter parent” (one who constantly hovers your child).
I wonder how to motivate children who have the intelligence for Math, but don’t want to spend time solving math problems. I mean, that’s how I learned math many years ago. But I’m Gen X (born between 1961 and 1982).
And understandably, what used to work with Gen X, won’t necessarily work with Generation Y.
Perhaps the parenting strategies (as far as helping kids do better in Math) are different when it comes to Millennials. Anyway, we’ll see.
On a side note, I wonder what people will call the generation born between 2003 and 2023? Generation Z? 🙂