Are you trying to get your Linksys WRT54G wireless router to work with your NGN PLDT DSL P990 SE260 modem? Join me on this journey of discovery…
Argh. Why can’t we get this to work? When the Linksys Router is connected to the PC, and the SE260 modem is connected to the WAN port of the Linksys, you can surf.
But once you unplug the Linksys from the PC, and then try to connect the PC wirelessly to the Linksys, you can no longer surf.
And there’s a “limited or no connectivity” error message.
Anyway, will post here some articles for your reading pleasure. Hopefully we will be able to solve the problem: “How do you connect a Linksys WRT54G wireless router to the PLDT DSL P990 SE260 modem?”
Default setting of the SE260 modem – Bridge mode
(Leave this alone since you’ll be using your Linksys Wireless Router)
But if you’re in the mood for learning how to switch a modem to router mode, then read this.
Read: Setting up a wireless connection (PLDT DSL and Linksys)
If on NGN:
Leave the ADSL modem alone. Just plug it to your router. Type on your browser to access the Linksys’ GUI. Set it to AUTO configuration DHCP . Set the correct time zone and then save the settings.
To-Do: Find out how to make the PLDT DSL SE260 (red modem) assign an IP address to a PC via a wireless router. Or have a PLDT technician adjust/replace the red modem?
Read: PLDT NGN Connection Problem
Try mo nalang bumalik sa basic setup ulit. I recommend you Hard Reset the Linksys para mag-defaults siya. then do this:
1) Set your modem to Bridge mode and connect directly to a PC to test the Internet connection
2) Kung ok na ang #1 (i.e. may connection ka) then connect mo yung LAN cable na galing sa modem to the Internet port ng Linksys. Connect the Linksys to the PC via its LAN port.
3) Login ka sa Admin ng Linksys and configure the WAN Connection Type to Dynamic IP or Auto-Obtain IP Address
4) Configure mo rin yung static DNS entries ni Linksys kung gusto mo. Use,, or other
5) Configure mo MTU to 1450
6) Save your settings and restart the router.After that, try loggin in to the router and inspect the Status Page. Test mo na rin kung stable na ang connection mo.
Read: PLDT’s MyDSL BIZ doesn’t work with routers. Bad for business.
So here I am one month later, pulled another alternate ROUTER a LINKSYS – my last attempt – I just tried guys – IT DOESN’T WORK – can’t connect to the Internet via routers on this dang MyDSL NGN deal.
Since October 2007?
Here are some notes after reading Blue777Machine’s comment in Bele’s How To: Setup PLDT DSL With Wireless Router…
1. PLDT DSL modem should be in router mode to make things easier for the subscriber.
2. To find out if your modem is in bridge mode, connect it to your computer then open your web browser and visit
If you can access your modem via then you will need to change the IP of your router (e.g., Linksys WRT54G) to to avoid conflicts in the IP addresses.
Does this mean that the red modem is not in bridge mode?
If it is already in router mode, how can I properly connect and use a Linksys wireless router in a system where the PLDT DSL modem does not require a username and password?
3. If you still can’t connect, then set the IP address of your Linksys router to an address that’s closer to the dynamic IP address assigned to you by the PLDT DSL red modem.
For example, if (when you connect your modem directly to your PC) the IP address you’re assigned is, then set your wireless router’s IP to
How do we switch the SE260 to router mode, when you can’t even get to the Modem Admin login screen of the PLDT DSL red modem via
Or maybe the PLDT technicians hard-coded a different IP address for the modem, so that they can be the ones who will adjust your PLDT DSL modem?
I really wish there were written instructions on how to configure or set-up a PLDT DSL SE260 red modem with a Linksys WRT54G wireless router.
To be continued…