Before, I was able to easily send emails with a video attachment using my cellphone via PLDT’s SMART MMS. These past couple of weeks, however, the email does not seem to reach its destination.
I’ve tried using different phones and different SMART SIM cards, but the multimedia message seems to end up nowhere.
The cell phones make use of the settings automatically sent by SMART, and they still match the standard Smart GPRS and MMS settings listed in, so I still can’t figure out why what used to be the easy and simple shoot the video, send it via MMS to any email address approach no longer works.
A quick search of various blogs shows that hardly anyone is writing about this. Does this mean that mobile bloggers in the Philippines aren’t that active when it comes to sending MMS?
Anyway, I hope things get fixed soon. Otherwise, mobile blogging will turn into USB or Bluetooth blogging. You know, take the video, transfer it to your PC, and log into various web sites and upload the AVI or MP4 vid.
Yes, you can surf the web using your cell phone, but if you have a computer around, why spend more, right?
So to our friends in PLDT SMART, please bring back MMS. Thanks! 🙂