Do you want social media marketing to help your business? Try these tips…
1. Give People Freedom.
Specifically, freedom to express themselves. Freedom to ask the tough questions. Freedom to sometimes even ask embarrassing questions.
2. Answer Questions Immediately.
Nothing sticks out more than legitimate questions left unanswered in a social media webpage. And the more defensive you get, the lower your company drops in the eyes of the people.
So take in those questions, and answer them well.
If needed, hire someone as your company’s official spokesperson.
Don’t rely all the time on the CEO, because that company officer will most likely be busy with other things.
3. Be Sociable.
Be friendly. Be courteous. Be polite.
In other words, be the best human you can possibly be.
Show up and make your presence felt. Be transparent and trustworthy. Be credible.
After all, you owe it to your company and the people who rely on it.
Welcome to the exciting world of Facebook, YouTube, and social media! 🙂