In my book, Jonha Revesencio is the world’s coolest intern. Here’s why…
Internet Marketing Philippines
In my book, Jonha Revesencio is the world’s coolest intern. Here’s why…
You can use UnTweeps ( to easily unfollow people in Twitter, who haven't posted a tweet within the past X number of days. You can set the number of … [Read More]
Went off to the hospital today, and remembering how the waiting time can be terrible, I decided to try using an Asus Eee PC. It will be a good time to make use … [Read More]
Why do some parents blog? Is it just to make money online? Is it to earn Google AdSense advertising dollars? No, not all the time. Sometimes, parents blog to … [Read More]
Do you want to be a load retailer for Globe, Smart, and Sun using just one SIM? Try VMobile... … [Read More]
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17, Ps 51, Mk 4:35-41 … [Read More]