If you want to make money online, give your internet marketing campaign a boost by serving webpages quickly. One way of doing this is by hosting frequently accessed, non-changing or static image files in Amazon S3 and Cloudfront. Yes, you can make this work with your WordPress blog…
Assuming you have a WordPress blog and an Amazon S3 account, you can use the Amazon S3 for WordPress Plugin (from Tan Tan Noodles).
This allows you to easily upload files via your WordPress blog, and then have these stored in a faster Amazon S3 account.
By storing the image files outside the server where your blog lives, you’ll have better protection during those times when a crush of visitors hammers your website. Amazon S3 servers can be more robust than most webservers (shared webhosting).
If you have visitors from the US, Europe, and Asia, then you can take things a step further by using Amazon Cloudfront.
Thanks, to Amazon Cloudfront CDN with a WordPress Blog, I found out about the CDN Rewrites WordPress Plugin.
It helps rewrite your blog post (in a manner of speaking), so that instead of showing images stored in your basic Amazon S3 account, it instead serves images from your Cloudfront account.
The result: Your webpages load much faster.
There are still a few more things I need to figure out, though. For example, how do we make the Lightbox plugin show the Cloudfront files instead of the Amazon S3 files?
In the blog post Ateneo Grade 7 Thanksgiving Mass, the thumbnails shown are served from an Amazon Cloudfront account.
When you click on each thumbnail, however, you will be shown an image stored in the S3 account (media.viloria.net)
It probably has something to do with the way WordPress handles image galleries. Anyway, here’s to more research.
I hope regular Viloria.net are seeing shorter webpage loading times when browsing this site. Thanks! 🙂